Friday, August 31, 2007

The Clock is Ticking

More like the counter is ticking. I've finally bowed to the pressure to track the scores of visitors I get on my blog each day.

But I couldn't decide which counter to install, so I'm going to try two: Bravenet and Sitemeter. Sure they both count, but this is a very important decision since I will be checking my blog stats 20 times per day from now on. Right now I favor Bravenet just because it has cool graphs.
So here's a question to all my regular readers out there; Which do you prefer?

Monday, August 27, 2007

You Just Got Bit

According to Viral Marketing "refers to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness."

Today my wife Ashley used her blog to became a part of the Viral Marketing movement. I am a supporter of Viral Marketing, if it is done right. For Viral Marketing to be successful a few things have to happen:

  1. The message bearer (Ashley in this example) has to be credible. Don't confuse the source of the message with the source of the product. The source of the product is always in it for the money. In this case I happen to know for a fact that the message bearer (Ashley) and the product itself (necklace) are both legitimate and credible. I've seen them both in action.

  2. The message bearer must have a collective formidable social network. Some people I know (I.e. Ashley) have dozens, even hundreds of people that visit their blogs each day. Lots of readers means lots of marketing power. I on the other hand have 3 regular readers. I would not be an effective tool in a Viral Marketing campaign. However, if someone wants to highlight a set of golf clubs on my blog and host a free give-away I accept.

  3. The messenger has to maintain integrity. Credible messengers can often "sell out" if they allow themselves to be lured by the perks of Viral Marketing. I was proud of Ashley when she decided to purchase the necklace (instead of receive it as a free gift), which means she received no compensation for participating in this particular Viral Marketing campaign. Very noble, but not very smart. You could have had a free necklace Ashley! I am not so principled. If someone wants to showcase their golf clubs on my blog, I will gladly accept a free set of clubs for the service.

  4. The item or campaign should be interesting. Many of you are familiar with jokes that get forwarded from one person to the next. The better the jokes, the more people it will get forwarded to. Don't be fooled. Every forwarded story, joke or anecdote you receive is part of a Viral Marketing campaign. Next time scroll down to the bottom to see what you are sponsoring when you hit the forward button.

To sum it up, I am a fan of creative marketing and admire people that do so effectively. Who knows, maybe some day I'll have enough readers to participate in a lucrative Viral Marketing campaign myself.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Mama's Boy

Just moments ago Ashley reminded me that I'm a mama's boy. "Yes, yes I am." I proudly responded.

Then she proceded to add that I am also a Hollister boy. "Given the opportunity, who wouldn't be?"

However, she totally forgot to mention my dad. I could never leave my dad out when it comes to things I love.

Before we got married Ashley was very afraid that my love of my family and Hollister would come before her. It scared her. I think it still does. I can see why. I am very fond of my parents and my hometown and I visit them both very often. However, my home is, and always will be, with Ashley, Charlie and Junior, Junior (and whoever else decides to join our little family in the years to come).

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Old School

Today I got a haircut. This is the first time in 3 years (3 years and 1 week to be exact) that someone other than myself has cut my hair. Who cuts their own hair? I do. Why?

  1. I'm picky. I usually don't like the way other people cut my hair.
  2. I hate taking the time to schedule an appointment, or wait in line at Supercuts for a mediocre haircut. I can give myself a mediocre haircut without having to wait.
  3. I'm cheap. I can save $12 every 5 weeks if I cut my own hair. That means I've saved over $360 in three years. Not bad, eh?
Today was different. On my way home from work, I decided I was looking a bit shaggy and didn't want to face the mirror and clippers at home. So I drove down El Camino Real in Sunnyvale looking for hair salons or barber shops. After passing 4 nail salons in 3 blocks I stumbled on a place called "Hair Do". It was a real classy joint tucked away in a run down strip mall.

Side note: my favorite haircuts have come from little old men who have no doubt spent their life in the trade. They know what they're doing, they're extremely fast and if you're lucky they use a straight razor to shave your neck and side-burns. Have you ever been groomed by a straight razor? I'm not talking about the 50's style safety razors (the precursor to the disposable razor). I'm talking about the slit your throat straight razor who's only distinctions from a switchblade are that it lacks an automatic button and it is sharper. Don't ask me why, but there's something soothing about having a complete stranger put a knife to your neck and scrape away the hair.

So when I walked in the shop and a little old Vietnamese man named Ken jumped up to greet me, I thought "Eureka!"

The haircut ended up being better than I had hoped. When my head was all clean and tidy Ken went straight for the shaving cream brush and the straight razor and I just smiled. When that was done I got a neck massage with some electric gizmo that looked like a belt sander, something I hadn't counted on, but thoroughly enjoyed. I've finally found the man's equivalent of a pedicure. So I paid Ken my $12 bucks and kicked in an extra $5 for good measure and said I'd be back. If this keeps up I may be $520 poorer in 3 years...and it will be completely worth it.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Get off the phone!!!

Topic: Cell phone etiquette

Question: When is it rude to chat on your cell phone?

1) In the car when you're not alone?

Answer: Most of the time. I believe that occasionally its OK to take a quick call from your mother or a long lost friend, but more often than not calls from the car are unnecessary. "Just wait until you get home and call the person back!" is what Ashley would say. She's right and I should probably be a little more disciplined on this one.

2) When you're on the toilet?

Answer: There is never a situation where you should place or receive a call while using the bathroom. If talking in the car is rude, talking while on the can is despicable. End of discussion.

3) On the golf course?

Answer: I just had to throw this one in for my good friend Adam. He answers his phone any time or place which I usually appreciate, because that means I can always reach him. However, that needs to stop when we're on the course. Sorry Adam, you gotta turn that phone off some time.

4) When you're already talking to someone else?

Answer: Is clicking over a big deal? I hope not because I do it quite a bit. Actually, I'm pretty sure it is rude, but I guess I just hope people don't mind that much when I ask "Can you hold on for a second."

What are your thoughts?