Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009 Outtakes

Christmas morning 2009 was our first spent alone with just us and the boys. I liked it.

Max spent more time playing with Charlie's toys than his own of course.

I think this is one of those presents Charlie may never touch again.

My favorite Christmas gift. A pair of plaid golf pants.

We spent Christmas evening with the family. This is a classic Carter family dinner scene.

Max carefully selecting a target from the balcony.

I love my mom's Christmas trees. We helped string that popcorn close to 20 years ago on a Christmas road trip.

Getting in position for the family photo.

Charlie had the crowd rolling. Potty humor.



Amy and Luca. Molly and Graham were just as cute, but I didn't manage a photo of them.

The first annual Carter white elephant gift exchange. A sure repeat for next year.

Santa's little helper.

While cute, that's not the face you want to see at 11 pm, especially when he's in your double bed.

Taking advantage of the fact that someone didn't put there air mattress away immediately after using it.

Quincee nailing a belly-flop.

Somehow Diego manages to look cool no matter what he's doing.

Taitum had some of the most impressive jumps of the bunch.

At the annual San Benito High School alumni waterpolo game. Throughout most of the game I was wishing I was on the sidelines playing with these guys instead.

I in my cap...and speedo.

Sunnyvale Christmas lights. A couple of neighbors light up their yards each year and set the lights to music. It's seriously impressive.

I love this picture of Diego. The kid is adorable.

At the annual gingerbread house-making party, these boys took their house decorating duties very seriously.

My mom always gets the credit for the house despite the fact that my dad does much of the heavy lifting. Unfortunately eating the candy doesn't count.

This was actually a Thanksgiving snowman, but I think it counts for Christmas. We missed the Warners this year as we have grown accustomed to Christmas in Utah over the past few years.

Getting 21 people together for the Christmas turned out to be a joy. (We had two cameras set up and Ivan is the only one looking at the other camera. It was his.)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Apple to name their new tablet iSlate? Yeah, right.

I don't usually give a rip about stories like these, but when I read an article speculating that Apple's rumored 'tablet PC' or 'webpad' will be called iSlate I had to ask myself, "really?"

With brands like iPod, iPhone, iTunes, etc. I just don't see Apple settling for a name like iSlate? It doesn't have the same ring to it.

My vote? iPad.

Naming aside, I think a touch screen notepad with the application interface of an iPhone would rock. Just don't make me sign up with AT&T to get it.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Tiger, You Need to Read This

Tiger, just to be clear I never was a fan of yours. To say the least this recent scandal hasn't done anything to change that. You deserve everything you have gone through.

However, I think people are looking at your situation all wrong. Every article I read is doom and gloom. I see it differently. You have the opportunity to pull off the world's greatest comeback - a redemption story of epic proportions. Only this time it's not just about golf. What if you were to clean up your act and actually be the person people thought you were? No shenanigans, not lies. Tiger Woods - an honest, decent, hardworking, really good golfer.

Every great story needs a great struggle - an obstacle greater than the hero himself. For years people have speculated who this might be for you. Phil? Vijay? Turns out it was you.

Right now you're like Superman in Superman II after he lost his super powers. He messed up. Traded it all for one night with Lois and abandoned a world that needed him. In his downfall we saw a side of him that we never imagined. He was weak. Even pathetic. But it was his fall from grace that humbled him enough to realize who he needed to become.

What if you were to clean up your act AND go on to win 18+ major championships? It would be a comeback story for the ages.

Of course you could continue to be a scum-bag AND win the most majors, but then you'd only be the winning-est golfer in golf history. Not the greatest.

Give it some thought.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

An Unexptected Birthday Surprise

I turned 34 today (thank you) and received an unexpected surprise. Actually I recieved a few of them. They were texts. (What did you think I meant?)

I realized texts are the perfect way to be wished a happy birthday by anyone who isn't your mom (or dad) or spouse. They were fun to read and provided the perfect distraction from endless work meetings.

And they're way better than phone calls. Seriously. Who wants to repeat the same phone conversation a dozen times in one day? Texts also eliminate the chance of having someone break into song on the call (mom/dad you're excused on this one) and they get you out of the back-and-forth that happens at the end of any phone conversation. Never noticed? Next time you finish a phone conversation count the number of times you and the other person say goodbye. It's amusing to say the least.