Saturday, November 29, 2008

Favorite Shots: Ridgemark GC. Gabilan 10th

The 10th hole at Ridgemark's Gabilan course is easily the most difficult hole on the course. It scares the crap out of me. In the tiny picture below you can see that the hole has an out of bounds fence on the left and and yellow hazard stakes to the right. A wayward tee shot can put you in either so you have to play it safe. Unfortately it's not a short hole so playing it safe can leave you an uncomfortable distance from the green. A green that is even more protected than the fairway.

The same out of bounds and hardard areas narrow just before the green leaving no more than a few yards to the right or left of the green. If you don't thread the needle on your approach it's going to cost you a couple strokes. Scoring an eight on this hole is very easy.

Earlier this year when playing the hole I pushed a very conservative tee shot into the right rough which was much deeper than I expected. I was left with a 185 yard blind approach shot out of very thick rough. From there I should hav taken my medicine and punched out with a wedge or a 7 iron and hope to get up and down. But that day I had a little Phil in me so I decided to go for it.

I hit it flush. I didn't see it come down because I couldn't see the green, but I was sure it was close. Turns out the ball landed just a few feet from the cup and rolled another seven or eight feet. I sunk the birdie put coming back.


sheryl said...

My first golf experience let me know I would never be a golfer. 28 whiffs! I decided then and there I liked a much faster form of entertainment ...(think anything else) These courses look beautiful and now that I am slower and living in a golf centered world I may need to rethink my decision... however...I am not sure I am ready to slow down that much yet. :)

Tyler said...

Sheryl. You're too nice. I'm truly flattered and amazed that you would comment on my golf posts. While it's totally entertaining for me to write about my golfing experiences, I never expected anyone (not even golfers) to find this stuff even remotely interesting.

I've been meaning to post about my car for months, because I promised you I would. Now I totally owe it to you. The only reason I haven't is because the car sits in my garage and I'm ashamed to admit that it's being totally neglected right now. That and I can't find the photos I took of it.