Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Women Love Billy Joel


Ashley said...

It's true. Every woman thinks "She's Always a Woman" is about her. "For the Longest Time" is a shameless appeal to the fairer sex. The man knows how to woo a woman. Still, it was pretty grody how he kept wiping the sweat off his head last night.

Anonymous said...

I've gotta disagree. When you say Billy Joel I think, "Is he still alive?" If you just showed that picture, I wouldn't even know who it was. Terrible? I heard the concert was great though.

Magdalena said...

True Dat.

The Mostess said...

I love Billy Joel. I even love Elton John, tiny little gay man that he is.

There's just something about a dirty mechanic (Billy) trying to woo a classy, uptown girl (me).

Sweaty or not--I'll take him!

sheryl said...

Tyler, you should have told me the truth. I thought you gave it up. I have been missing out. Your blogs are great! As for Billy Joel...I think ohh oh ohhh ooooh oh oooooh oh. Isn't that about the words to all his songs. But I do have to say I like his music.