Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Wife is a Hottie!

Ashley and I are going to Hawaii soon. To get ready for the trip we've both been hitting the gym a bit more lately, which brings me to my first point: My wife is smokin' hot!

My second point? I appreciate that my lady cares enough about her appearance (and health of course) to work her butt off at the gym. Of course it wouldn't be fair for me to expect her to maintain the appearance of a supermodel. But I have to admit, I don't mind it when she does.

Is this sexist of me? I don't think so. It's just a fact. What husband or wife wouldn't prefer it if their spouse made fitness a priority?


teuscher travels said...

She seriously is one incredibly good looking woman and has a killer body, you really are a lucky man! And I don't think it is sexist at all. It would bug me at college when girls would be upset they were judged on looks, but I totally judged earning potential/intelligence. I don't see how it is any different, we are just wired for different things. I am nowhere near Ashley's league (I totally just did a post on cream puffs) but I can still agree and applaud your choice.

Ashley said...

Oh geez. What to say on this one?


My thing is that I go up and I go down. Right now I am not pregnant or nursing or eating tons of Halloween candy and I have Hawaii on the horizen, so I'm in doing my best to be in shape. As sure as the sun will set and rise again, this will change and I will one day (soon!) be packing an extra 5 or 10 or 30. And then I will fight the good fight again and so it goes.

I don't think it's sexist to want your partner to do their best to be attractive, healthy, and strong. I'm a woman and I want my partner to be attractive, healthy, and strong. It's not my top requirement, but it's nice.