Monday, July 9, 2007


Here are a few things that deserve respect but don't get enough:

  1. The U.S. of A. - How about a warm round of applause and a salute for a pretty great country?
  2. Hamburgers and pizza - Why do these two foods get such a bad rap? Both can offer a balance of protein, carbs and fats. And mmmmmm...they hit the spot. Respect them for what they are.
  3. Police officers - Based on what I've seen on COPS they have to deal with some pretty nasty stuff so we don't have to.
  4. Rental property - Anyone who disrespects (trashes) anything they have borrowed should be prepared to reimburse the owner in full (including any inconvenience caused by their neglect).
  5. Automotive paint jobs - Be careful when you open your door, regardless of how fancy the car is next to you. No one likes a ding in their car's paint.
  6. Mothers - I shouldn't have to explain this one, but I don't think they will ever get the respect they deserve.
  7. Carpet - I appreciate the guest that removes their shoes. I'm not offended if they don't, but its always a nice gesture. Years of foot traffic can leave a mark.
  8. Other people's time - If you organize a meeting, make sure it ends on time (especially church meetings).
  9. Parents - I think parents should demand respect. Children who treat their parents with a lack of respect should be disciplined. And parents who don't discipline their children lack self-respect.
  10. Not opinions - I don't understand the phrase "I respectfully disagree". To respect is to esteem or honor. If I don't agree with something, by definition, I don't respect it. I do however believe one can, "politely disagree". I'm working on that one.


Molly said...

Well then I politely disagree that opinions shouldn't be respected. And I'm pleased to know that I inspired this blog posting. Don't hate me forever just because we don't see eye to eye. :)

Molly said...

Oh, and pizza with a very small amount of cheese and lots of vegetables can be very good for you. But pizza as we know it is a huge source of fat and not balanced at all. But I still eat it because it is SO GOOD!

Ashley said...

I applaud this list and couldn't agree more with not respecting opinions. "Be egalitarian with respect to people, but elitist with respect to ideas."

brooke said...

Amen to your post. Also, It's good to have you back. I thought you might still be in Vegas since that was your last post :-)