Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Showing Up

I just read part of this article (I don't have the attention span to read full ones). I'll save you some energy - it's about a girl who didn't miss a day of school in 13 years.


I know what you're thinking. "What a waste!" I felt/feel the same way. But there's a line I really liked in it. It reminded me of you. About half-way through the article, the girl says:

"I have these days where I'm like, 'I do not want to be here,' " she said. "I'm just the kid who shows up on those days."

You're one of the best show-er up-ers I know.

This morning when I watched you slog out of bed at 5 am, I was reminded of just how dedicated you have been to seminary this whole year. Especially these last few days as you cram to make your last lessons extra special.

For the other readers: To understand Ashley's level of commitment to seminary (and sacrifice) you have to understand her love of sleep, and current lack thereof. I know of no one who enjoys sleep more and gets less of it. Which is why her getting up at 5 am to teach seminary is nothing short of a daily miracle. I seriously don't know how she does it.

So Ashley. As your last day of seminary approaches, I'm sure you feel a mix of emotions (like joy mixed with elation and happiness), but I wanted to let you know that I feel proud of what you've done. In the words of the famous Sir Topham Hat, "Well done Ashley. Well done."


Ashley said...

I do slog. And I do have mixed emotions--strangely I sort of wish I could start the whole year over and do a better job. I don't know that I taught anything decent this whole year. My mind is such a fog at that hour. But I figure if I have no recollection, the kids don't either, right?


You have been the wind beneath my wings this year. It must have been cold there in my shadow. (Except for that time you made pancakes instead of teaching the Intercessory Prayer.)

Thanks for this post. I am excited to be a human person again and a better wife after this week.

brooke said...

Love this post and AShley's comment. I am a person who loves and values sleep but I don't touch Ashley's love of slumber. She is a hero for getting up at the forsaken hour of 5 am (the middle of the night!) to teach seminary. I'm so happy for her that it is almost over.

Linda said...

I just realized that you posted again! You are actually upstairs in my house right now, so I could tell you in person, but I will leave a comment.
This was really sweet and you really "get" Ashley. Yes, she did a phenominal (sp)job at Seminary, but she couldn't have done it without your help and support. I know you were getting up almost as early with the boys --fixing them breakfast, sometimes bathing them and sometimes even cleaning the house!!
Kudos to you too, Tyler!!

sheryl said...

ahhhh :)

I love when a couple loves each other enough to not only say it but show it with words and DEEDS.

You guys are great!