Thursday, December 13, 2007

Laugh Till I Cry

I'm not amused by much. Don't know when I became so serious, but I almost never gut laugh. However, about once a year something happens that makes me laugh so hard I cry. That just happened 5 minutes ago.

Charlie was in the kitchen, Ashley was on the phone and I was here on the couch. Suddenly Ashley jumped out of her seat and yelled "Oh shoot!" I turned around to see that Charlie had reached up and grabbed a Diet Coke that I had set near the edge of our kitchen table. Unfortunately (for Charlie) the Coke was just out of his reach. With his limited reach he managed to tilt the can just enough to pour its contents straight into the middle of his face. His eyes, nose and mouth were drowned in a frothy fountain of cold Diet Coke, and he couldn't let go of the can. By the time Ashley reached him the entire can had emptied onto his face.

Of course he was devasted for a couple of minutes. I don't blame him. He thought he was going to die by way of foamy Diet Coke. But I couldn't help but laughing at the image of him pouring a stream of soda into his own face, and just stading there taking it.

Sounds sad, but I may go another year or so before I see something that funny again. Thanks Charlie.


Ashley said...

It was SO SAD!!! And I don't know why you don't gut laugh more often. I am freaking hilarious!

Molly said...

Oh no! I am laughing out loud in my cubicle. You drew a pretty funny picture. Poor Charlie!