Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tragedy in the Home Land

Warning: This is a soapbox post.

As September 11 approaches most of us are reminded of the tragedy of those who lost their lives to senseless acts of hatred in 2001. As the date approaches, I am also reminded that among a population of reasonably sensible Americans exists a subculture of halfwits that think the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 attacks--that some of our leaders actually conspired with members of al-Queda to crash planes into buildings with lots of people in them, then blew them up.

My hope is that the number of people that subscribe to such a theory is minuscule, but my fear is that the percentage is not insignificant. If you happen to be such an individual please don't comment on this post. This is not a debate.

Now, I won't spend time citing reports or discussing structural models of the World Trade Center, but I will say this:

I am sad that some believe that there are those so evil in our government that they would deliberately plot to kill hundreds of their own. I am sad that their suspicion of ill will overcomes their hope for humanity. They soil the good name of the thousands of public servants striving to protect this country from the very acts they think these officials planned.

In a glass half full sort of way, I'm glad that the rest of you have enough sense and hope to believe that our collective government does have our best interests in mind when they make decisions. I know our leaders aren't perfect. Some of them can be incompetent, ineffective and even disgusting at times, but I believe they are generally a good bunch.


Molly said...

Amen, brother. I believe our government is not corrupt. I believe no one can please everyone all the time, so no political leader can ever be considered "perfect." Even if I don't agree with everything our government does, I do believe they are trying to improve things and would never attack their own country.

Ashley said...

I agree. I find it heinously offensive when conspiracy theorists accuse our own government of being mass murderers. Talk about helping the terrorists (as in Al Queda) win. Thank goodness the huge majority of Americans don't buy such nonsense. It warms my heart to see 99.9% of Americans pull together after national tragedies.