Saturday, September 1, 2007

I'm Going with Site Meter

Yesterday, I finally succumbed to the pressure to install a counter on my blog. However, I didn't know which one to use. Ashley uses Bravenet which has cool graphs that trend over time. It creates a better first impression. Site Meter's counter is a bit sleeker (which I like) and while it doesn't appear as sexy at first glance, it seems to have better info. I like knowing where people are visiting from, how long they stayed, etc.

The most interesting thing, however, is that in just two days both counters were different by 14 visitors. Bravenet reported that I had 40 visitors in two days and Site Meter reported that I had 26.

I trust Site Meter's numbers more since they are more conservative and they give me more information about each visitor. I have my suspicions about Bravenet's numbers. I think they double count visitors and their stats (First time visitors vs. Returning visitors) don't always seem to jive. I'm going to go with Site Meter for now.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I go with sexy at first glance, obviously.